Parts of the templates are off

Replied by BasilC on topic Parts of the templates are off

Posted 8 years 3 months ago #4538 wrote: I solved the 1st issue touching the bootstrap-default.css file of the theme
removing the "left" parameter of the .dropdown-menu class

I have the same problem with the login dropdown too far to the right. I looked at your page and see that you have fixed it perfectly, but I don't understand the solution you mention above. Could you explain in more detail?
Post by BasilC

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Replied by on topic Parts of the templates are off

Posted 8 years 3 months ago #4553

BasilC wrote: wrote: I solved the 1st issue touching the bootstrap-default.css file of the theme
removing the "left" parameter of the .dropdown-menu class

I have the same problem with the login dropdown too far to the right. I looked at your page and see that you have fixed it perfectly, but I don't understand the solution you mention above. Could you explain in more detail?

Shame on me, I did not write it down...
Get a web delveloer help you aout a bit, you need (if you can't) someone that knows CSS and a little web site developement. Look at this video:

But anyway, goto your forum page and hit F12. This should bring out the debug fetures of your browser (Chrome has it)
Use the selector and mouse over the open the login dropdonw. You should see on the right the CSS hierarchy that is in use for that element.
If I remember right there should be a .dropdown-mennu class with a "left" parameter in it.
If you demove the "left" line on the CSS on your browser you should see the Login pannel shifting to the left and become like mine.
If so, hover the mouse to the name of the class you just changed and you'll get the file name and line of the file that class is defined into.
FTP to your site, change that line in that file and you are done.
Sorry for not being able to help more
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Replied by ntstore on topic Parts of the templates are off

Posted 8 years 3 months ago #4558
Hi johnwright,

Sorry about delay, we can't access to the back-end of your site with your ntskay account. So I suggest you a solution to solve your issues.

1. Open the template.css file in your joomla template.
2. Add bellow css rules to the bottom of file.
#kunena.layout .navbar .dropdown-menu { right: 0; left: auto !important; }

3. Save and clear cache of your site before reload forum page.

Please let's me know if it does not work.

Best regards,

Hung Pham
Twitter: @9themestore

Post by ntstore
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Replied by johnwright on topic Parts of the templates are off

Posted 8 years 3 months ago #4560
[SOLVED] By adding your provided tweak (override) hereinafter to the default /templates/<template>/css/custom.css (or alternatively, to the default /templates/<template>/css/template.css if the custom.css option is not available).
#kunena.layout .navbar .dropdown-menu { right: 0; left: auto !important; }

>> Please, don't forget to upgrade your NTSKay template CSS rules by including this one, too in your next release. Thanks for feedback.
Last Edit:8 years 3 months ago Post by johnwright
Last edit: 8 years 3 months ago by johnwright. Reason: typo

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Replied by ntstore on topic Parts of the templates are off

Posted 8 years 3 months ago #4561

We will update this CSS rules and fixed some conflict style issues in next release.

Best regards,

Hung Pham
Twitter: @9themestore

Post by ntstore

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Replied by Huyen Nguyen on topic Parts of the templates are off

Posted 8 years 3 months ago #4771
Hi johnwright,

We have just released new version for NTS Kay template. In new version we improved more style for some elements forum and fixed some issues on forum. Please download the install package and update to your site.

Best regards,

Huyen Nguyen
Nice Theme Store's Support Department.
Support email: 9themestore[at]
** Please post your site url here if it has been lived **

Post by Huyen Nguyen
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